Police Department
The Town of Enfield Police Department is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our citizens through professionally supported and trained police offers. Officers strive to provide an environment that will allow citizens to live and work in a safe and secure community.
If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.
We, the members of the Enfield Police Department, are committed to providing the highest level of police service. We will improve the quality of life in the community by building partnerships that reduce crime, maintain order, and create a safe environment while upholding the laws of North Carolina and the United States Constitution. We adhere to the principles of integrity, professionalism, respect, and fairness.
For more information about the Enfield Police Department, please check out their Facebook page by clicking here...
Contact Info
Eric Johnson
Chief of Police
115 SE Railroad St, Enfield, NC 27823
(252) 445-5122
[email protected]

Police Emblem